YCP Mobile helps you stay connected to York College of Pennsylvania from wherever you are, on or off campus.
Use YCP Mobile to find anyone in the Directory and get in touch instantly, stay-in-the-loop with the latest campus news, keep tabs on York College of Pennsylvania sports scores, and watch videos from recent campus events. It’s York College of Pennsylvania in the palm of your hand!
Maps: Search campus buildings by name, pinpoint them on the map, see their location relative to your own.
Athletics: View up-to-date news, schedules, and scores for your favorite York College of Pennsylvania sports team.
Directory: Get in touch with anyone campus-wide, and add that person directly to your phones address book.
News: Keep up with all the happenings on and off campus with news from a variety of sources.
Images: Browse or search thousands of images. Check out scenic shots of the York College of Pennsylvania campus and view extensive collections from the digital archive. Save images to your phone or save as a background to show your school pride.
Videos: Access all of York College of Pennsylvania’s video content in one easy-to-view place.